Game Design

Course Description:
Are you a gamer? Do you enjoy playing video games or coding? Does the idea of creating and designing your own virtual world excite you? If so, this is the course for you! Tap into your creative and technical skills as you learn about the many aspects involved with designing video games. You will learn about video game software and hardware, various gaming platforms, necessary technical skills, troubleshooting and internet safety techniques, and even the history of gaming. And to top it all off, you’ll even have the opportunity to create your very own plan for a 2D video game! Turn your hobby into a potential career and go from simply being a player in a virtual world to actually creating one.


Prerequisite: None
Course Length: 1 Semester
Credits: 0.5 Credit


Units at a Glance


1: Games and Gameplay

2: Video Games: A History

3: What is Game Design

4: Designing a Game Experience

5: Introduction to Unity

6: Programming Concepts

7: Level Design

8: Creating Art for Games

9: Balance and Testing your Prototype

10: Marketing Your Game