High School

Graduation Requirements

Wisconsin Virtual Learning High School is on a credit system and aligns with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s High School Graduation Standards for course requirements. WVL requires students to earn 22 credits in the following courses for graduation:

4 Credits-English:

  • English 9
  • Communications
  • American Literature
  • English Electives

3 Credits- Social Studies:

  • World Cultures
  • United States History
  • Government (.5 credit)
  • Social Studies/Sciences Elective (.5 credit)

 3 Credits-Mathematics

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Mathematics Elective

3 Credits-Science

  • Biology & Physical Science or 
  • Biology & Chemistry
  • Science Elective

1.5 Credits- Physical Education

  • PE I (.5 credit)
  • PE II (.5 credit)
  • PE III (.5 credit)

0.5 Credit- Health / Life Management

7 Elective Credits

NCAA Approved – WVL virtual courses are NCAA approved.  If you have questions about this or need more information, please contact the School Counselor at molson@nosd.edu.

Earned Credit – High school credit is earned on a semester basis.  Students earn .5 credits for each semester course that they complete with a passing grade.  

Successful Completion – For courses to be successfully completed, students must have earned a passing grade of D- (60%) or higher.  In addition, student placement in AP and elective courses will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be guided by input and/or approval from school staff.   

Transfer Students – Students entering Wisconsin Virtual Learning from another school must provide a transcript showing completed coursework. Students providing a current grade report or transcript of courses in progress and current achievement will be placed into the corresponding course(s) at the appropriate point(s).  Official academic records are necessary for credit to be earned at Wisconsin Virtual Learning from any school.  Placement tests may be required to determine appropriate course assignment(s) for a student.    Final determination on course placement, placement within individual courses, and final grades rests with the individual subject teachers and administration.  

Home School Programs – Students entering from a home-school program must provide evidence of a curriculum plan.  Official academic records are necessary for credit to be earned at Wisconsin Virtual Learning from any school.  Letter grades will not be assigned; instead the student will receive a satisfactory/unsatisfactory for the course obtained through home school.     

Pre-High School Credit – Students may earn high school credit for a class taken as a non-high school student given that all Department of Public Instruction requirements are met.  Each student’s particular academic needs will determine which courses may be taken for high school credit and at what grade level.  Students must have successfully completed the course with a D- (60%) or higher in order to receive credit.  However, WVL recommends students earning less than a B- retake the course to ensure success in subsequent coursework.   HS courses taken during MS are included on the transcript and count for credit, but do not count toward GPA.  It reads in the state legislature as “The Department of Public Instruction recommends that high school courses taken at the middle school level should be so noted on the transcript along with the grade received; however, the grade/s received should not be factored into high school grade point average. The reasoning behind that recommendation is that middle school students might shy away from taking a more challenging course because of future implications on their overall grade point average.”  WVL follows these recommendations as outlined by the Department of Public Instruction. In addition, students still are required to secure all graduation requirements in core subjects while enrolled in high school.

Course Failure and Repeat CreditStudents may choose to retake required classes for which they receive a failing grade or enroll in a credit recovery course. In addition, students may choose to retake a failed elective course. Failed courses are recorded as an “F” on the student’s transcript and a zero will be computed for the course in determining their cumulative grade point average.  

Academic Integrity – WVL takes academic integrity very seriously. Plagiarism and cheating are about honesty and are a reflection of character. In addition, teachers need to be able to assess each student’s learning. We expect that all work turned in will be the student’s own. 

  • Plagiarism is taking sentences directly from another place(print or digital) and claiming it as your own. Students must write in their own words. Do not copy from your lessons, books, internet, other students, etc. 
  • Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying someone else’s answers on a quiz, test, or assignment or using other sources such as the internet to find answers. We welcome students studying together, but each student needs to make sure all answers are your own. Tests and quizzes should be completed individually.
  • Parents/Guardians/Siblings are not allowed to provide answers, complete student work, or represent the student in any way, including attending class as the student.  
  • Students found plagiarizing or cheating will have the following consequences:
  • First offense: Conference between student and teacher. Parents notified.
  • Second offense: No credit for the assignment. Referred to the principal.
  • Third offense: No credit for assignment. Letter from principal, which is placed in the student folder.
  • Fourth offense:  The student fails the course.
  • Fifth offense:  The student may be exited from WVL.

If a student is found to plagiarize in a cumulative manner, more than 3 times in one school term, the student may face a course failure, course or grade retention or a school exit.  If a student is found to plagiarize three or more times during academic time at WVL, the student may face a course failure, course retention, grade retention or exit from WVL.  All occurrences will be recorded in the Student Information System as a disciplinary action of record.  

Honest mistakes do happen and will be used as learning experiences. We will also discuss and review this information in your courses. Here are two main tips to avoid plagiarism: 

  • Always write in your own words.
  • Do NOT copy and paste from the internet.
  • Students are NOT allowed to use computer based programs, artificial intelligence, or posted       assignments from websites that promote “collaborative learning” through assignment sharing to complete their coursework obligations.
  • Parents and siblings may NOT do school work instead of the student. 
  • Friends, classmates, and other students may NOT provide content/answers for usage by others.
  • Cite any sources you use in your assignments.

Teachers reserve the right to request a meeting with students in order to assess their learning of course material. Meetings may be requested in online classrooms, on the phone, or in person.

Source Citation – Many courses require written work in which you will need to cite sources. Any direct quotations from your textbook can simply be cited as (Author, Page Number). Any quotations from outside sources require full citations, including author, title, publisher, date of publication, and page number. If you’re citing information found on a Web site, provide the complete Web page or site title, URL, author if known, page number if applicable, and publication date of the site, if available.

Credit Recovery – CR courses are offered to allow students to make up credits that have been lost due to failure to earn a passing grade.  When students take credit recovery courses, the previous “F” will still be used in the student’s GPA calculation, as will the final grade given in the credit recovery course. 

Drop/Add Policy – The request to drop a course should be made to the Student Learning Advocate (SLA) before the end of the tenth day of the semester.  After the tenth day of the semester, courses dropped will be given a failing grade.  A request to add a course may occur at any time.  The request must be made to the SLA.  However, a request does not guarantee a course addition.  For courses that require special fees, or if the student’s participation in the course requires the school to make additional materials/course purchases, the family may be responsible for that financial commitment when the course is dropped, regardless of timing.  For those courses, a student’s readiness for taking the course will be discussed with the family so that the family is aware of obligations they may incur.  

Audit a CourseSome curricula are structured in such a way that understanding and retention of material later in a course is directly related to material presented early on in the class (e.g., content covered in math classes builds on itself as the course proceeds through the year).  As such, it may be recommended or required for students to audit the first semester of a course in order to better prepare for the content of the second semester.  For example, if a student passed their first semester of a math class but not the second semester, it may be suitable for that student to retake the first semester of the class by auditing it, and then continuing on with the class in the second semester.  Audited courses will be recorded on a student’s transcript with a grade. 

Valedictorian/Salutatorian – This status is determined by identifying the highest cumulative grade point average of the senior class, determined at the conclusion of the fall semester (end of the 7th semester).  Students must be enrolled at WVL for three consecutive semesters and successfully complete a minimum of one Advanced Placement course to qualify. There is a possibility that there may be more than one valedictorian and/or salutatorian designated, based on identical grade point averages, and that the status may be shared. In this case, the first tiebreaker to determine the recipient of the Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship would be the total number of advanced placement courses successfully completed. If there are two or more students still tied after the first tie-breaker, the second tie-breaker utilized will be the student with the most credits.

Wisconsin’s Academic Excellence Scholarship – Academic Excellence Scholarships are awarded to Wisconsin high school seniors who have the highest cumulative grade point average, after the fall semester of their senior year, in each public and private high school throughout the State of Wisconsin. The number of scholarships each high school is eligible for is based on total student enrollment. In order to receive a scholarship, a student must be enrolled on a full-time basis by September 30th of the academic year following the academic year in which he or she was designated as a scholar, at a participating University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, or independent institution in the state. The value of the scholarship is $2,250 per year, to be applied towards tuition. Half of the scholarship is funded by the state, while the other half is matched by the institution. Eligibility must not exceed 8 semesters. 

Technical Excellence Scholarships – are to be awarded to high school seniors who have the highest demonstrated level of proficiency in technical education subjects. The scholarships are only for use at a Wisconsin Technical College within the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS). In order to receive a scholarship, a student must be enrolled on a full-time basis by September 30 of the academic year preceding the academic year in which he or she was designated as a scholar. 

No student may receive both a Technical Excellence Scholarship (TES) and an Academic Excellence Scholarship (AES).  Students must have attended WVL for at least three consecutive semesters to be eligible to compete for one of the aforementioned scholarships.

WVL will use the Higher Education Aids Board (HEAB)-recommended ranking system to determine student qualification.

In the event of a tie-breaker, the following selection process will be followed until a winner is reached:

  • GPA based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) grades is the first tiebreaker
  • The total number of technical college credits earned while the student has been in high school and technical college credits that are in progress during the current semester is the second tiebreaker.
  • The student’s cumulative high school grade point average is the third tiebreaker.
  • The student with the most high school credits earned by the end of the semester prior to the semester in which the scholarship is awarded is the fourth tiebreaker.
  • Each student’s highest ACT score, if an ACT score is available for all of the students who remain tied, is the fifth tiebreaker.
  • In the event any remaining tie has not been broken after the five tiebreakers, the scholarship shall be awarded to the student who has attended WVL for the longest period of time.

The recipient must be a resident of Wisconsin and the United States who is either a citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence by the INS.

Eligibility to Compete for Academic and Technical Excellence Scholarships – A student will be eligible to compete for the Academic and Technical Excellence scholarships when 1) they have reached senior status 2) they have acquired enough credits to be on pace to graduate with their class at the end of their senior year and 3)dependent upon the school-board established rule regarding enrollment longevity.  The student’s SLA, counselor, and/or principal will review whether or not a student is considered to be on pace to graduate with their age-appropriate class at the end of the school year.

Advanced Placement Program – Advanced Placement is a program run by the College Board, which offers students the opportunity to take college-level courses while in high school. AP classes help students improve writing skills, sharpen problem-solving techniques, as well as develop study habits necessary for tackling rigorous coursework. Research indicates that many students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely to be successful in college. In addition, AP classes help college applicants stand out in the college admissions process, showing a willingness to take the most rigorous courses and emphasize a commitment to academic excellence.  In May, students have the opportunity to take the AP exam for their course(s), allowing students to potentially earn college credit. The amount of college credit received varies by college, the AP score, and the subject.  Students may also have the opportunity to enroll in higher-level courses as college freshmen. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves by enrolling in AP courses. 

Early Graduation – Some students pursue higher education and other life experience opportunities or have unusual circumstances, the timing of which sometimes necessitates graduation from high school on an earlier date than the scheduled date for such student’s designated graduation class. Early Graduation at WVL is defined as completion of coursework prior to the expected 4 years of High School. 

The following guidelines shall be followed when requesting Early Graduation:

  • The student must have earned all credits necessary for graduation in accordance with Wisconsin DPI Credit Standards.
  • The student must have been enrolled at WVL for a minimum of two consecutive semesters and must have completed two semesters with passing grades in each semester at WVL with passing grades in all classes.  Passing grades are a C or better with a cumulative GPA not less than 2.0.
  • The aggregate amount of credits the student may earn in a school year shall not exceed 7.

Reasons a student may request Early Graduation: 

  1. To begin formal higher education (evidence of early acceptance into a higher education program is required).
  2. To enter into apprenticeships (documentation required).
  3. To enlist in the armed forces of the United States (documentation required).
  4. To assist in the navigation of a significant life circumstance (i.e.: becoming a parent, documented family/personal health concern).

The process of application: 

  1. During the spring semester of junior year, prior to scheduling any senior year classes with the student’s SLA/Counselor, the student must meet with the School Counselor to discuss Early Graduation and review the Early Graduation Request.
  2. The student (not written by a parent/guardian) must submit a written letter to the Executive Director by October 1 of such student’s senior year requesting Early Graduation. Letters received after the deadline will NOT be processed for Early Graduation consideration. 

The letter must include: 

  • An explanation of the student’s reason for Early Graduation.
  • Signature of the student and an acknowledgement signature by at least one parent/guardian to approve and verify the Early Graduation request.

Final approval for Early Graduation is comprised of:

  1. Confirmation of eligibility and completion of all the foregoing requirements, and final recommendation of the student for Early Graduation by the School Counselor and by the Executive Director.
  2. An affirmative vote of the student’s Early Graduation request by the WVL Board of Directors (the Executive Director or School Counselor shall cause the student’s final recommended Early Graduation request to be included on the agenda for the next board meeting and the request letter included in the board packet for that meeting).  

Reasons why an Early Graduation request may NOT be granted or may be revoked after approval by the Executive Director and WVL Board of Directors: 

  • A student has not maintained “good academic standing” throughout the school year after first meeting with the School Counselor to discuss Early Graduation in junior year. 
  • A student who has had a past notice(s) of failure to participate/attend classes may, depending on circumstances, be ineligible for consideration. 
  • A student receives a notice of failure to participate/attend classes after first meeting with the School Counselor to discuss Early Graduation in junior year.

The early graduate will be issued a diploma in the spring and is welcome to participate in the spring commencement ceremony along with the rest of his/her graduating class, if desired, but will not be permitted to take part in organized school activities during the remainder of his/her senior year. Diplomas are issued in May with our formal graduation. Based on your needs, proof of graduation can be provided upon request prior to the May Graduation.

Honest mistakes do happen and will be used as learning experiences. We will also discuss and review this information in your courses. Here are two main tips to avoid plagiarism:

  • Always write in your own words.

  • Cite any sources you use in your assignments.

Teachers reserve the right to request a meeting with students in order to assess their learning of course material. Meetings may be requested in online classrooms, on the phone, or in person.

Credit Recovery – CR courses are offered to allow students to make up credits that have been lost due to failure to earn a passing grade. When students take credit recovery courses, the previous “F” will still be used in the student’s GPA calculation, as will the final grade given in the credit recovery course. 

Drop/Add Policy – The request to drop a course should be made to the Student Learning Advocate (SLA) before the end of the tenth day of the semester. After the tenth day of the semester, courses dropped will be given a failing grade.  A request to add a course may occur at any time.  The request must be made to the SLA. However, a request does not guarantee a course addition. For courses that require special fees, or if the student’s participation in the course requires the school to make additional materials/course purchases, the family may be responsible for that financial commitment when the course is dropped, regardless of timing. For those courses, a student’s readiness for taking the course will be discussed with the family so that the family is aware of obligations they may incur. 

Audit a Course – Some curricula are structured in such a way that understanding and retention of material later in a course is directly related to material presented early on in the class (e.g., content covered in math classes builds on itself as the course proceeds through the year). As such, it may be recommended or required for students to audit the first semester of a course in order to better prepare for the content of the second semester. For example, if a student passed their first semester of a math class but not the second semester, it may be suitable for that student to retake the first semester of the class by auditing it, and then continuing on with the class in the second semester.  Audited courses will go on a student’s transcript with a grade, but will not count for credit.

Valedictorian/Salutatorian Criteria 

  • The criteria for this honor are the cumulative GPA at the conclusion of the winter semester of their senior year (end of 7th semester). Students must be in attendance for three consecutive semesters in order to be considered for these awards. There is a possibility that these honors may be shared.

  • Students must successfully complete a minimum of one Advanced Placement course to qualify for Valedictorian/Salutatorian.

  • If there are two or more students with identical GPAs, the first tie-breaker to determine the recipient of the Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship would be the total number of advanced placement courses successfully completed.

  • If there are two or more students still tied after the first tie-breaker, the second tie-breaker utilized will be the student with the most credits.

Wisconsin’s Academic Excellence Scholarship – Academic Excellence Scholarships are awarded to Wisconsin high school seniors who have the highest grade point average in each public and private high school throughout the State of Wisconsin. The number of scholarships each high school is eligible for is based on total student enrollment. In order to receive a scholarship, a student must be enrolled on a full-time basis by September 30thof the academic year following the academic year in which he or she was designated as a scholar, at a participating University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, or independent institution in the state. The value of the scholarship is $2,250 per year, to be applied towards tuition. Half of the scholarship is funded by the state, while the other half is matched by the institution. Eligibility must not exceed 8 semesters.

Technical Excellence Scholarships – Technical Excellence Scholarships are to be awarded to high school seniors who have the highest demonstrated level of proficiency in technical education subjects.The scholarships are only for use at a Wisconsin Technical College within the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS). In order to receive a scholarship, a student must be enrolled on a full-time basis by September 30 of the academic year following the academic year in which he or she was designated as a scholar. No student may receive both a Technical Excellence Scholarship (TES) and an Academic Excellence Scholarship (AES). Students must have attended WVL for at least three (3) consecutive semesters to be eligible to compete for the scholarship.

WVL will use the Higher Education Aids Board (HEAB)-recommended ranking system to determine student qualification.

In the event of a tie-breaker, the following selection process will be followed until a winner is reached:

  • GPA based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) grades is the first tiebreaker

  • The total number of (1) technical college credits earned while the student has been in high school and (2) technical college credits that are in progress during the current semester is the second tiebreaker.

  • The students’ cumulative high school grade point average is the third tiebreaker.

  • The student with the most high school credits earned by the end of the semester prior to the semester in which the scholarship is awarded is the fourth tiebreaker.

  • Each student’s highest ACT score, if an ACT score is available for all of the students who remain tied is the fifth tiebreaker.

  • In the event any remaining tie has not been broken after the five tiebreakers, the scholarship shall be awarded to the student who has attended WVL for the longest period of time.

The recipient must be a resident of Wisconsin and the United States who is either a citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent resident by the INS.

Eligibility to Compete for Academic and Technical Excellence Scholarships- A student will be eligible to compete for the Academic and Technical Excellence scholarships when 1) they have reached senior status and 2) they have acquired enough credits to be on pace to graduate with their class at the end of their senior year.  The student’s SLA, counselor, and/or principal will review whether or not a student is considered to be on pace to graduate with their age-appropriate class at the end of the school year.

Advanced Placement Program – Advanced Placement is a program run by the College Board, which offers students the opportunity to take college-level courses while in high school. AP classes help students improve writing skills, sharpen problem-solving techniques, as well as develop study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work. Research indicates that many students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely to be successful in college. In addition, AP classes help college applicants stand out in the college admissions process, showing a willingness to take the most rigorous courses and emphasize a commitment to academic excellence. In May, students have the opportunity to take the AP exam for their course(s), allowing students to potentially earn college credit. The amount of college credit received varies by college, the AP score, and the subject. Students may also have the opportunity to enroll in higher-level courses as college freshman. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves by enrolling in AP courses. 

Early Graduation – Some students pursue educational goals which include graduation from high school at an earlier date than their designated class. The following guidelines should be followed when seeking Early Graduation:

  1. The student must have earned all credits necessary for graduation.

  2. Reasons for considering early graduation:

    1. To permit students to begin advanced formal education.

    2. To permit students entry into apprenticeships, on‐the‐job training programs, or entry into the armed services of the United States.

    3. To permit students to aid themselves or family during times of personal or financial need.

    4. To permit students to offer exceptional service to society.

  3. The process of application:

    1. The student must meet with the guidance counselor to discuss early graduation and review the Early Graduation Request Checklist.

    2. The student must submit a written letter requesting early graduation to the principal by September 30 of his/her senior year. The letter must include:

      1. An explanation of the student’s reason for early graduation.

      2. Signatures of the student and at least one parent/guardian to approve and verify      the request.

The Board must be informed of students who are eligible and have applied for early graduation. The early graduate will be issued a diploma in the spring of the year. The early graduate is welcome to participate in commencement exercises if he/she desires and must inform the high school principal of this desire. The early graduate will not be permitted to take part in organized school activities during the remainder of his/her senior year.