Middle School
Course Catalog
Wisconsin Virtual Learning Middle School students will engage in the online curriculum through one of three different pathways. These pathways include virtual, independent, or blended. Regardless of the pathway your student is on, all students are expected to participate in school on a daily basis.
Virtual Pathway
Students access their courses, lessons, assignments, quizzes, tests, and submit work online. Students will move through their content in a traditional schedule. There will be designated class times throughout the week that your student will need to attend and obtain the information needed to be successful in the class. Along with core subject classes, there will be time for your student to meet with their Wisconsin state-certified teacher for extra help and enrichment. This pathway is best suited for the student and family that would like more structure and/or technology and academic support.
Independent Pathway
Students will move through the online curriculum at a pace that is similar to the teacher-paced classes or faster. A teacher will be assessing and providing feedback on a regular basis. If your child gets stuck on a concept, the teacher is there for guidance. This pathway is best suited for the child who masters concepts and skills at a faster pace and for the family who is looking for additional flexibility in their schedules. A child who struggles may be moved to the virtual pathway for intervention and support. Check-ins with the teachers may occur on a regular basis and will be determined by each student’s needs.
Blended Pathway
This is a mix of independent and virtual pathways. It is meant for students that are strong in one or two subjects but may need a little extra guidance and class time for the other subjects. Check-ins with the teachers may occur on a regular basis and will be determined by each student’s needs.
Please note: All new students to WVL will be placed into the virtual pathway for one full quarter regardless of the time they enroll. This is designed to provide proper support for students as they transition to our virtual school.
When independence is demonstrated, the student may have the opportunity to join the independent or blended pathway. Students must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for the independent or blended pathway:
- Demonstrate proficiency (or higher) through their submitted work
- Remain at or ahead of the course pace (pace set by the teacher)
- If applicable, regular check-ins with the instructor have been frequently attended
Course Offerings – Middle School Course Guide

Sample 5th Grade Schedule:

5th Grade Courses Language Arts 5 Math 5 Science 5 Social Studies 5 |
6th Grade Courses Language Arts 6 Math 6 Science 6 – Life Science Social Studies 6 – Ancient Civilizations |
7th Grade Courses Language Arts 7 Math 7 Science 7 – Physical Science Social Studies 7- Geography |
8th Grade Courses Language Arts 8 Math 8 – Pre-Algebra Science 8 – Earth Science Social Studies – US History** |
Additional Course Offerings: Electives
MS 2D Studio Art*
MS Career Explorations I
MS Career Explorations II
MS Coding 1A
MS Coding 1B
MS Digital Art and Design*
MS Game Design 1A: Introduction*
MS Game Design 1B: Creating a Game*
MS Photography*
MS Exploring Music*
MS Fitness
MS Journalism
* This course is only offered through the independent pathway.
Language Arts 5
In Language Arts 5, students will learn a wide range of skills and strategies focused on reading, writing, listening and speaking through online lessons, videos, educational games, and interactive learning objects. Students will select a novel to read and use that novel as well as other literature pieces to focus on plot, main idea, figurative language, and other literary elements. A unit of this course will emphasize comprehending informational texts, and students will focus on determining the structure, author’s purpose, and main idea of several informational texts.
Additionally, students will learn useful strategies to use before, during, and after reading in order to better understand informational texts. Students will learn about the five main types of writing: descriptive, narrative, expository, technical, and persuasive. They will hone vocabulary skills, including word analysis and decoding, determining the meaning of unknown words, and understanding word relationships. Students will learn to improve their writing by focusing on grammar and usage, such as sentence types, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Note: This course is offered through the virtual and independent pathways.
Math 5
Fifth Grade Math emphasizes real-life problem-solving and building algebraic and geometric thinking. Concepts covered include understanding place value system, perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to hundredths, use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions, apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions, geometric measurement and understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition, as well as graph points in the coordinate plane to solve real-world problems. Students are also expected to use Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathway.
Science 5
In Science 5, students will explore scientific concepts through online lessons, videos, and interactive learning objects, which will serve as a foundation for higher-level science courses. Students who complete this course will be able to distinguish between the engineering design process and the scientific method as well as to recognize the importance of technology in society. Students will learn about the ecosystems and their components, how energy moves through an ecosystems and how plants and animals interact and depend on one another.
As students move through the course, they will complete a study of earth and space, including a study of the resources of freshwater on earth. Students will be introduced to some chemistry and physics concepts. The successful mastery of these skills in this course, will adequately prepare students for higher-level concepts they will encounter in middle school science courses.
Note: This course is offered through the virtual and independent pathway.
Social Studies 5
Social Studies 5 will cover material ranging from that regarding the early Americans to that of modern times using online lessons, videos, educational games, and interactive learning objects. Students will use maps to learn geography skills, and they will explore topics such as early American civilization, including the first Americans and Native American tribes, European exploration, and the colonization of North America. Other featured topics in the course will include American independence, principles and documents of government, growth and westward expansion, federal government, state and local government, patriotism, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Note: This course is offered through the virtual and independent pathways.
Language Arts 6
Language Arts 6 explores a variety of types of literature. Students will read intriguing selections written by famous and influential authors. Comprehension strategies will be put into practice. Students will be introduced to several forms of writing, such as fiction and nonfiction, which Students will read, comprehend, and analyze. The writing process is emphasized while given the opportunity to produce students own compositions. In Semester One, writing will include a comparison-contrast essay, a short story, a research report, and a response to literature. Students will learn proper conventions of grammar and how to spell commonly misspelled words. In addition, Students will learn many new vocabulary words, reading concepts, and grammar concepts.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Math 6
Sixth Grade Math emphasizes real-life problem-solving and building algebraic and geometric thinking. Concepts covered include apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions, apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the number of rational numbers, understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems, apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions, reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities, and represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables. Students are also expected to use Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Science 6 – Life Science
Students in science 6 will be learning about the life sciences. We travel through the spectrum studying the very small all the way to how all of those cells come together to form large, multi-celled organisms-humans. We also discuss plants, animals, and how these organisms interact in their environments. Students have many hands on activities throughout each unit and participate in virtual labs. Standard lab materials are included. A list of additional lab materials is provided with each unit. Students are also expected to be able to utilize Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathway.
Social Studies 6 – Ancient Civilizations
This course will focus on world history from the beginnings of human civilization to the present day. Students will learn to evaluate the connections between geography and history. Topics in the course will include: the Fertile Crescent, Judaism and the Jewish People, Ancient India and China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the Byzantine Empire. Students will study various world religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Throughout this course, students will have access to interactive online activities and compelling videos that will help explain world history and enhance the course. The textbook provides built-in reading support and helps students build map skills to better understand the world. It also helps students develop writing and geography skills. Student assessments include a variety of projects, written assessments, and virtual presentations.
Note: This course is offered through the virtual and independent pathways.
Language Arts 7
Language Arts 7 focuses on the study of grammar, literature, and composition. Students will study parts of speech and sentences. The literature selections will expose students to a variety of genres including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, mythology and folktales. This course will also help students focus on key elements of literature such as character, plot, setting, theme, and point of view, as well as literary devices. Reading selections provide students the opportunity to improve reading comprehension skills, develop vocabulary, and make inferences. Students will compose formal writing assignments, including a comparison-contrast essay, a persuasive essay, and a short story.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathway.
Math 7
Seventh Grade Math emphasizes real-life problem-solving and building algebraic and geometric thinking. The course guides students to apply and extend previous understanding of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers. Students will analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Additionally, they will use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions and solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expression and equations. The course utilizes a variety of hands-on and virtual experiences. Students are also expected to use Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathway.
Science 7 – Physical Science
Students in science 7 are engaged in the many different aspects of the physical sciences. From Newton’s Laws of Motion to an electrifying unit on electricity, this course utilizes many hands-on experiences, virtual labs and video demonstrations of the various concepts we cover. Students also create their own Rube Goldberg machine to demonstrate their knowledge of force and motion. Standard lab materials are included. A list of additional lab materials is provided with each unit. Students are also expected to be able to utilize Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Social Studies 7 – Geography
Geography 7 will encourage students to think like geographers by teaching them to study the Earth according to the five themes of geography. Students will use these themes to determine where something is located, such as a region, ethnic group, landform, or trade route, and why it can be found in a particular place. The answers to these basic questions will also equip students to more fully understand the geography, history, culture, regions, and contemporary issues facing the people of the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Language Arts 8
Language Arts 8 focuses on the study of grammar, literature, and composition. Students will study parts of speech and sentences. The literature selections will expose students to a variety of genres including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. This course will also help students focus on key elements of literature such as character, plot, setting, theme, and point of view, as well as literary devices. Reading selections provide students the opportunity to improve reading comprehension skills, develop vocabulary, and make inferences. Students will compose formal writing assignments, including a short story, a persuasive essay and a research report.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathway.
Math 8 – Pre-Algebra
Eighth Grade Math emphasizes real life problem-solving steps and helps lead into the concepts of algebra. Students will work with radical and integer exponents and understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines and linear equations. In addition, students focus on analyzing and solving linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations, defining, evaluating, and comparing functions. Students also study the use of functions to model relationships between quantities. The course utilizes a variety of hands on and virtual experiences. Students are also expected to use Google Drive.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Science 8 – Earth Science
What could more exciting than volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and monster storms? This course covers the many aspects of the Earth sciences. We begin by explore the Earth’s surface, and then diving deep below to discover how and why we have earthquakes and volcanoes. We then begin our journey skyward to develop a better understanding of our weather and climate. We round out the year with a virtual trip into space. This course utilizes a variety of hands-on and virtual experiences. Students are also expected to use Google Drive. Standard lab materials are included. A list of additional lab materials is provided with each unit.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Social Studies 8 – US History
This course teaches students about the United States History and society, from the first human migrations to the Americas to the European colonization of the Americas and the founding of the United States, through to the end of the Reconstruction period after the Civil War. Students will explore the causes and effects of the French and Indian War and will study the First Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence, and the challenges of governing a new nation. The course will move through the growth of the United States, including its political landscape in the early 1800s, and slavery and territorial expansion. These discussions will lead to lessons that cover Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction of post-Civil War America.
Note: This course is offered through both the virtual and independent pathways.
Elective courses are independent. Students access their classes, lessons, assignments, quizzes, tests, and submit work online. Students work through the curriculum independently and are required to sustain the recommended pacing for course completion. There are no live classes to attend with a teacher. Those quickly demonstrating mastery of course learning goals can progress at an accelerated pace.
Student placement in elective courses will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be guided by input and/or approval from school staff. Please note that middle school elective courses are offered to students as an opportunity for enrichment. Students do not receive grades in middle school elective courses.
MS 2D Studio Art
Close your eyes and imagine you’re standing in an art studio—the smell of paint, the heat of the kiln, and the infinite creative possibilities that linger in the air. This is where art is born, and in 2D Studio Art, you’ll learn how to bring your art visions to life. Whatever medium you prefer—painting, drawing, photography—this course will teach you the design elements and principles needed to create a work of art, explore your artistic inspirations, travel back in time to look at art in different cultures, and gain insight about the art of critiquing. If you’ve ever dreamed about making a living as an artist, this course will give you the tools and background that you need to turn those dreams into a reality. Note: This course will be offered independently.
MS Career Explorations I
How many times have you heard, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When you close your eyes and picture yourself in the future, what do you see? Police officer? Doctor? Farmer? Pilot? Teacher? The possibilities are endless. In Middle School Career Exploration, you will have the chance to explore more than 15 different career areas from the energy field, human resources, the law, transportation, and other fields. Discover which careers you might enjoy the most and which ones you’ll be best at. Note: This course will be offered during the 2019 Fall Semester.
MS Career Explorations II
Imagine that it’s 20 years from now. What career do you see yourself in? What do you imagine that you’ll be doing? Will you be fighting forest fires or engineering the next rocket into space? With all the careers available, it can be difficult to narrow them down. In Middle School Career Explorations 2 we’ll explore more careers and what they takes to succeed. You’ll learn more about what steps are needed to prepare for your career and how to compare the pros and cons of different career choices. Finally, you’ll get the chance to try out parts of different careers to see if you’re a perfect fit. Note: This course is will be offered during the 2020 Spring semester.
MS Coding 1A
Do you find yourself wondering how your favorite apps, websites, and games were made? Maybe you want to try building your own. Well, now you can! In Middle School Coding 1a, you will learn all about the technology you use in your day-to-day life as well as explore how the internet functions. Get an introduction to the basics of computer science and discover how to create and build your very own website using HTML and CSS. You’ll also become familiar with programming languages like JavaScript and Python Programming. You will leave the course with your very own portfolio of work that will showcase your skills and all that you’ve created. Note: This course is will be offered during the 2019 Fall semester.
MS Coding 1B
Building on the prior prerequisite course, students will expand their knowledge of programming languages and web development by further exploring Advanced Python, HTML, and JavaScript. Students will also analyze the differences between web development ad web application development, while growing their portfolios, which highlight everything learned and created in the course. Note: This course is will be offered during the 2020 Spring semester.
MS Digital Art and Design
There are so many different types of art in this world—fine art, classical art, visual art—but the impact of digital art and design is all around us, often in ways that you probably aren’t even aware of! After taking Digital Art and Design, you’ll enjoy a deeper understanding and appreciation for all things digital as you explore this special genre of art found in everything from advertising to animation to photography and beyond. In this course, you’ll learn about the evolution of art, the basic principles of art and design, and the role of art in politics and society. Additionally, you will actually create your own digital art and make it come alive. Give your creative side a boost with this Digital Art and Design course. Note: This course will be offered independently.
MS Game Design 1a: Introduction
We all love to play video games – but have you ever wanted to build your own? If you are interested in a career in technology but also want a creative outlet, Game Design might be the field for you. Learn how to build a game from the ground up in Middle School Game Design 1, an interactive and hands-on course that will teach you all the ins and outs of making your own game. You will learn the importance of game structure and discover what makes a game fun, challenging, and interesting to players just like you. You will also have the opportunity to explore the design and creative process involved in game creation, learn block-based programs, and experiment with character and story development. As a bonus, you will leave the course with a digital portfolio of everything you created in class. Note: This course is only offered through the independent pathway.
MS Game Design 1b: Creating a Game
Building upon the prior prerequisite course, students will further advance their knowledge of game design by taking this course. Delving into the development process, students will create details and add component pieces in a game while learning to prototype, troubleshoot, and test. Additionally, exploring how to critique a game and advertise it will strengthen the student’s ability to create a fully functioning game from start to finish. Note: This course is only offered through the independent pathway.
MS Photography
Have you ever wondered how professional photographers manage to take such sensational pictures? Or how they are able to find just the right way to capture an image or moment in time? Perhaps you’ve even wondered why your own pictures don’t meet that standard. Digital Photography I: Creating Images with Impact! will answer these questions and help you understand more about the basics of photography. Learning about aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and composition is key for any serious photographer and will help you gain the confidence and knowledge you need to become one. You will not only follow photography through its history but also gain a basic understanding of camera functions, technique, and what it takes to shoot quality portraits, close-ups, action shots, and landscapes. Note: This course will be offered independently.
MS Exploring Music
What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘music’? Do you think about your favorite band or artist? Do you think about instruments and scales and chords? The word ‘music’ means something different to everyone. This is why in Exploring Music there is a little bit of something for everyone! You will learn about how we hear music and how music affects our lives. You will explore important elements of music like rhythm, pitch, and harmony, as well as different musical genres. You will discover more about your singing voice and musical instruments and composition while taking in the history and culture of music over the years. Tune up your understanding and appreciation for all things music by signing up for this course. Note: This course will be offered independently.
MS Fitness
Are you physically fit? What does being fit mean to you? Physical fitness is a lot more than just a number on a scale – and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this course! This course will help you understand the basics behind what it means to be physically fit; allow you to gain a deeper understanding about how your body functions; learn the complex science behind exercise; explore what it means to be mindful and what inspires you; and determine how you can test your current level of fitness. Being and staying physically fit is a lifelong endeavor and, just like human beings, there are many complexities involved! Learning about and improving your physical fitness is a smart choice to make at any age – and by signing up for this course, you will be doing exactly that! Consider this course to be the first step on your exciting journey to understanding and improving your physical fitness. Note: This course will be offered during the 2020 Spring semester.
MS Journalism
Are you someone who likes to get the story straight? Who? What? When? Where? How? These are the details that make for a great story. And knowing how to find these key facts in any situation is the skill of a true journalist. In Middle School Journalism: Tell Your Story, you’ll learn how ask the right questions and find the story in any situation. You’ll learn how to gather information effectively, organize ideas, format stories for media production, and edit your articles. Get ready to break that news. Note: This course will be offered during the 2019 Fall semester.