Creative Writing I

Course Description:
In this course, students will explore a range of creative writing genres, fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, drama and multimedia writing. Students will study examples of writing through classic and contemporary selections and will apply that knowledge and understanding to their writing. In addition, students will develop and intimate understanding of the writing process and its application to various projects. As the students move through the course, they will understand and evaluate the writing of others, and be able to apply the evaluation criteria to their own writing. By the end of the course, students will have created a well-developed portfolio of finished written works. Learning activities include reading; listening; discussing; writing; multiple choice games; self-check activities; and reflective journals. Units will include a combination of activities and will culminate in the submission of the finished unit project. Unit lessons and performance tasks have been scaffolded carefully to help students achieve deeper levels of understanding.


Prerequisite: None
Course Length: 1 Semester
Credits: 0.5 Credit