Course Description:
Chemistry by definition is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the way in which they interact, combine, and change, and the use of these processes to form new substances. In this class, students will spend the first semester of class analyzing the basics of chemistry. Students will analyze different types of solutions, properties of different matter types, periodic table properties, and types of compounds and how to name them. In the second semester, students will focus on college bound chemistry concepts. These concepts include the numeric relationships between substances in reactions, energy transfer in chemical reactions, and acid/base relationships. The majority of learning will occur through classroom discussion, simulations, and practice questions.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of either Biology or Physical Science and Algebra
Course Length: 2 SemestersCredits: 1 Credit
Please Note: This is a WVL teacher taught course. It may be taken virtually or independently based on teacher and SLA recommendation