
Course Description:
The famous Spanish philosopher and writer George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We know from studying history how true this statement is, and the age-old field of archaeology helps us to better understand, through discovery and analysis, how ancient civilizations have shaped the modern world. This fascinating course, Archaeology: Detectives of the Past, explores the various techniques, methods, and theories of this field and illustrates how archaeologists conduct their studies. What is it like to uncover precious artifacts? How are they located and preserved? Find the answer to these questions and more as you learn how ancient discoveries can unlock the secrets of a long and colorful past.


Prerequisite: None
Course Length: 1 Semester
Credits: 0.5 Credit

See Units at a Glance

1: The World of Archaeology

2: Recording the Past

3: Unearthing Ancient Civilizations

4: Cultural Origins

5: The Fossil Record

6: Social Organization

7: The Survival of Ancient Text

8: Public Archaeology & Modern Society