AP Spanish

Course Description:
The course is conducted almost exclusively in Spanish and encourages the student to do likewise. However, the tips and grammar tutorials make use of both Spanish and English to aid in the student’s comprehension of difficult grammatical concepts. The course is divided into ten units. Each unit focuses on a unit theme which is then further broken down into sub – topics. Each unit consists of vocabulary practices, grammar presentations and practices, culture topics, assessments, and AP – related test practices. Although this course is completely online, you will have a teacher who will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the course and the content. The teacher will also be correcting your assignments and any audio or essay submissions. The intensity, quality and amount of materials can be compared to a third – year college course. Instructional materials, activities, assignments, and assessments are appropriate to this level. In addition to frequent use of authentic materials obtained from the Internet, other course materials have been written, created and organized by a team of writers which includes experienced AP teachers, university teachers, and other native Spanish – speaking writers. The content presented in the course is principally based on online research combined with the writer’s  experience teaching at the AP and college level. All audio excerpts and passages were written and recorded by native – Spanish speakers from various countries and spoken at native speeds. All reading passages were also written and prepared by native Spanish – speaking writers. The activities and assignments in this course are specifically designed to help each student improve their skills in all Spanish communicative areas and also to prepare for the AP Exam. Each unit consists of several activities that integrate multiple language skills together, which further strengthens the student’s language development and acquisition. The tests, especially the unit tests and semester final exams, are structured to assess a student’s complete understanding of all the information presented. They should be prepared for quite intensely. They will also provide great practice for the AP test.


Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish I, II, III, and IV
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Credits: 1 Credit