Online High School Courses
Wisconsin Virtual Learning (WVL) is a public virtual charter school. Our mission is to provide a personalized educational program to meet the individual learning needs of each of our students. Our passion is to do whatever it takes to help each child reach their full potential.
WVL offers a diverse selection of learning pathways including online classes, independent learning, and curriculum choices to best meet the individual learning styles and needs of each of our students.
This course catalog contains information for both students and parents about courses offered at Wisconsin Virtual Learning. It is subdivided by departments, which include descriptions of class offerings, recommendations, graduation requirements and alternate ways of earning credit. This information will assist students and parents in making decisions about course selections.
Student course selection should be guided by information collected from several sources – parents, school staff and printed materials. Student placement in courses will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be guided by input and/or approval from school staff. Each year, students and parents should review student progress, making sure that requirements are being completed.