Engaging with Your Children Can Lead to Student Success

Everyone appreciates positive attention, and children thrive on it. When parents take the time to show interest in their child’s schoolwork, good things happen. Studies have shown multiple benefits of parental engagement. These benefits occur regardless of income levels and social status. Your child can thrive academically when you become involved.

The Benefits of Parent Engagement

Parents are a child’s first teachers. When they continue to work with and advocate for their child, the dividends are many. Children with engaged parents will experience school success with higher grades and test scores. Their interests broaden, and they tend to like school better. A report from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) listed these benefits:

  • Increase in test scores and grades
  • Increase enrollment in advanced programs
  • Grade promotions, older students earn more credits
  • Better school attendance 
  • Completed homework more often
  • Students acclimate better to school due to improved social skills 
  • Higher levels of self-esteem
  • Higher rates of high school graduation and advancement to post-secondary education

When students do better in school, there is a massive ripple effect beyond the family unit. School success can lead to success in life, which ultimately has a beneficial impact on society.

A Clear Predictor of Academic Achievement

Most parents want to see their children do well in school. A primary ingredient in making that happen is your involvement in your child’s academic life. Being engaged with your child’s learning experience is not the same as helicopter parenting. Instead, it is the encouragement of exploration, task completion and development of a sense of curiosity. It also means working with your student’s teacher and showing an interest in school activities and helping when your child needs it. Engaging with your child to create a positive learning environment can have lifelong benefits. 

Children are naturally inquisitive beings. Encouraging that trait and helping your child develop problem-solving skills will help with school success and generate a desire for lifelong learning. Goal setting is also part of the process. When teachers and parents work in tandem to provide a positive learning environment for the child, the benefits multiply.

Because you are reading this post, we know you are interested in your child’s school success. When you attend school meetings, volunteer with your child’s school, and work with teachers to help your child, you contribute to your child’s academic success. As a result, you are ultimately helping to make the world a better place.

You can learn about online education by browsing our website. Contact us for information about Wisconsin Virtual Learning and how we can meet your child’s academic needs.