wisconsin virtual school

5 Ways a Wisconsin Virtual School Can Keep Parents Involved

Learning through our Wisconsin virtual school has many advantages, especially for children who have challenges learning at the pace of a traditional classroom. While some students need extra time to process information, others’ learning abilities place them far ahead of the average student. In addition, all students benefit from parental involvement. Read on for some top tips to help you stay involved with your child for learning success.

Communication is Key

Wisconsin virtual school offers the support parents and students need to succeed with online learning. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to communicate with each other so your child can stay on track. Open communication between parents and teachers eliminates the possibility of your child “slipping through the cracks.” At WVL Student Learning Advocates are there to help you with questions or concerns you may have about your child’s learning experience. We believe in accessibility and student-centered learning so each child has the opportunity to achieve academic success. Just because your child attends a Wisconsin virtual school does not mean they won’t get any time with the teacher.

Read and Discuss with Your Child

This parent/child activity is particularly important for younger students. Reading with your child and discussing the material helps benefit your child’s academic experience. According to some reports, children can also benefit from discussions related to school issues. In addition, reading and discussions can broaden your child’s ability to express herself and fine-tune critical thinking skills.

Join the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

At Wisconsin Virtual Learning our goal is to provide the best possible learning environment for children to learn online. To help our Wisconsin virtual school achieve this goal, we invite parents to come together to help us develop and grow as an organization. The PAC gives parents an opportunity to come together and discuss ideas, issues and make  suggestions. We value the input received from our students’ parents and we use the information to help guide us in making improvements to enhance the learning experience of the students.

Explore Together

Field trips are an important part of every student’s learning experience. At WVL students participate in field trips with their parents as part of the learning experience. These excursions also allow parents and students to meet the teachers in person and socialize with other families and students.

Provide Encouragement and Support

You do not have to be a helicopter parent to provide your child with positive feedback and reassurance. Wisconsin online schools approach the learning environment differently. You can help make the experience a wonderful one by creating a reward system that helps motivate and encourage your child’s school success. For example, gold stars, stickers for work well done or completed on time help reinforce the good habits you are seeking to instill in your child.

Parents are a child’s first teachers. And, when it comes to learning through Wisconsin online schools, your role becomes more important since you are the warm body providing a physical presence. At Wisconsin Virtual Learning, we help parents identify ways to be more involved in their child’s academic life. Contact us today for more information about everything we have to offer.