Seven Ways You Can Help Your Child Succeed During Virtual Learning

Thanks to COVID-19 many schools are closed or closing again, and students must learn virtually. Distance learning does not need to be a challenge when you follow these tips for virtual learning success. 

  • Time management counts – One of the significant challenges in virtual learning is proper time management. A consistent schedule is essential for both you and your child. Try to maintain the same plan as a regular school day. 
  • Minimize distractions – Bright shiny objects do not need to be bright or shiny or even objects to distract your child’s attention away from schoolwork. Checking email, zoning out on Facebook or spending time on Instagram are all distractions. Social media and surfing the web can interfere with learning. Limit these distractions until schoolwork is finished.
  • Make time for brain breaks – Long streaks of computer work can be detrimental to your child’s health. Not only is the risk of obesity increased, but high levels of screen time are also associated with depression and other health risks. Make sure your kids are taking intermittent brain breaks. Working for 25 minutes and taking a break for a few minutes is an excellent habit to cultivate. Stretching exercises and other physical activity can help improve your child’s attention and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Encourage exploration – It may be easy for you to answer all the questions your child may have about a subject; however, encourage exploration. Allow your child the opportunity to find the answers. Allowing this type of learning may take longer, but in the end, it will prove to be better for your child and you.
  •  Assist when necessary – Some teachers advocate doing a practice problem together and having the child repeat it by themselves if the child is struggling with an assignment. This method of repeating solving the problem alone after your assistance helps your child pay attention to learning, and it can help you determine in which areas your child needs additional help.
  • Monitor your child’s progress – Procrastination is a problem for many students, even in classes. Check-in with your child once or twice a week to make sure that falling behind is not an issue. Virtual learning requires a lot of independence and can make procrastination tempting. Help your child stay on top of schoolwork.
  • Be Aware of Stress – These times are highly stressful for many people, including children of all ages. Check-in with your child and help them manage stress and anxiety. Exercise and time away from the screen to engage in fun activities can help minimize stress.

Wisconsin Virtual Learning has been helping parents and students for over a decade. We provide virtual learning geared to help your child have success in school. Contact us today to find out more about our programs.