Advantages of a Virtual Learning Environment

Well before the disruptions caused by the novel coronavirus struck, there were advocates for online learning. For decades different sources have been touting the advantages of virtual classes. Everything from the comfort of learning at home to the wealth of availability of classes, not to mention learning at your own pace, have been identified as advantages.

The New Somewhat-Normal
As the pandemic continues to make our ways of living uncertain, some adaptations will stick even after the crisis is over. No doubt virtual learning will be one of them for some people. Most students will go back to in-person classes when they become available, as a matter of convenience or necessity. Other parents, noting the advantages, will opt to continue with virtual learning.

Many parents who home-school their children are most likely used to using the virtual learning environment. Now many parents and teachers have to get on board with the platform if education is to continue during the time of COVID-19. The learning curve to make it all work is steep and frustrating for many, but there are advantages, nevertheless. 

A Healthy Choice
The reality is that one of the most compelling arguments for virtual learning now is health. We want our children’s education to resume, but at what cost? Statistics seem to show that younger people are not adversely affected by the virus therefore children can return to school. The numbers of those predicted to not survive should they get sick are low. This is good news – except for those families affected. For them it is tragic. Virtual learning provides a safe environment in which your child can learn.

Enjoy Flexibility
Indeed, some traditional schools that must resort to online classes during the pandemic may not offer much in terms of flexibility. At the same time, there are other learning opportunities such as Wisconsin Virtual Learning, that do. The flexibility offers students the opportunity to not only learn at an appropriate pace but also become engaged with the subject matter.

Distraction-Free Learning
Regular school is full of distractions. Fashion, looks, popularity, and a host of other non-important factors can make school a joy for some and a nightmare for others. Bullying and teasing are not the only negatives at school. Virtual Learning eliminates those types of distractions. 

In the comfort of your home, your student can focus on learning. There is no social ostracism for having a desire to learn more and go deeper into a subject. Your student can get help with learning issues without feeling embarrassed or singled out.

Support of Families
Taking time off to go to the school to address problems or speak to the teacher about opportunities can be inconvenient as well as time-consuming. Virtual learning removes barriers to meeting with your child’s instructors. At Wisconsin Virtual Learning we work with you to ensure your child has a great learning environment. 

Find out how your child can benefit from the virtual learning environment by contacting us today for more information.